Drag broom – Self Elevating


The CKC drag broom manufactured from galvanised steel, has a solid drawbar and five different versions.  Custom designs can be build based on customer specifications if required.  Quality drag brooms, built to last.



When coming to the end of a pass or joining existing work the unit may be raised, towed and turned around at the next intersection just like a regular trailer.  On returning to the work area it should be lowered before re-joining the work. This returns any stones to the work so that they do not get crushed into the existing asphalt surface.

Due to a rigid drawbar, not only does the operator have better control, but the drag broom works extremely well in reverse.

The Drag Broom can be conveniently transported on an ordinary ute without overhangs, and may be towed on its wheels to and from the park-up area saving brush wear.

  • No more dragging stones onto finished surfaces
  • No more pulling mudflaps off utes while towing drag brooms with Telstra rope
  • No more jumping in and out of the vehicle to turn around at the end of every pass

Product Specification

Weight - 150kg
LxWxH - 320x225x21 cm - Excluding drawbar
750mm Brush x 6
900mm Brush x 3

Product Video

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  • The CKC drag broom manufactured from galvanised steel, has a solid drawbar and five different versions.  Custom designs can be build based on customer specifications if required.  Quality drag brooms, built to last.

  • The CKC drag broom manufactured from galvanised steel, has a solid drawbar and five different versions.  Custom designs can be build based on customer specifications if required.  Quality drag brooms, built to last.

  • Drag broom brush 900mm

  • Drag broom channel – 2250mm long

  • The CKC drag broom manufactured from galvanised steel, has a solid drawbar and five different versions.  Custom designs can be build based on customer specifications if required.  Quality drag brooms, built to last.

  • The CKC drag broom manufactured from galvanised steel, has a solid drawbar and five different versions.  Custom designs can be build based on customer specifications if required.  Quality drag brooms, built to last.

  • Drag broom brush 750mm


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